You just never know who is reading! Three posts in one day? I know, I am back!
This is what I would like to see in my stocking (in fantasy world, not the real world since I know most people have got my presents and CoverBoy is not allowed to buy me anything as we have got a new TV).
Disclaimer out of the way, here goes:
Ren Rose Bath Oil (as previously raved about on here)
Ren Rose Shower Gel (ditto)
Essie nail varnish - because the colours are fabulous and they stay on for 5 days without chipping
Lush bath products that don't have bits in (and that includes glitter)
Body cream from Jo Malone - have you seen it? Oh my.
A selection of Nars multiple sticks to suit my mood
The entire Nars eye shadow collection (hey, it's a fantasy)
A year's supply of monthly facials at Elemis!
I could probably think of more and may be back to post about them.